So this last week has been a crazy one with lots of sad goodbyes and happy anticipation for college!!! My friends and I had one last shebang before the end of the summer, it wasn't anything to big just dinner and shivers and hanging out at the park watching youtube and the finals for womens gymnastics before the first group of us started school the next day!!
The next morning was a big one for me and Zach, well more me then him but it was the day i climbed Mount Olympus it was a lot of fun and alot of work!! Three hours of strenous hiking uphill and then another hour and a half back down! it was intense but something i will never regret doing!!
The Last few days of me and Zach together we had a lot of fun!! We walked to Tiffanys, took long bike rides, went to the library, watched monk, hung out a ton, broke up ( which is really sad but he is still one of my best friends), Got into lots of fights, not real ones just messy ones like with smores and fingerpaints!